Home / Motorola Defy Unlocked from Claro Honduras with a code from GSMLiberty.net

Motorola Defy Unlocked from Claro Honduras with a code from GSMLiberty.net

After trying and failing to do the soft-unlock for my Defy (I guess they changed the protection) I decided to go ahead and use a code based unlock. I chose GSMLiberty since, having seen their site 6 years ago, I figured they weren\’t a scam. This video is the process of me successfully unlocking my Defy with the code I ordered from them, in about 45 seconds. Note: Even though you can clearly see the code I entered, that\’s just the code that works for my phone, with my phone\’s IMEI, if you want to unlock your phone, you\’ll need to order your own, sorry. You can buy your code here: http://www.gsmliberty.net/shop/motorola-defy-unlock-codes-p-3306.html

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Uploaded by : Deborah Prieskop